Anyone can attend the Elizabeth Celtic Festival. It's open to all. You don't have to be "anything." Just be yourself, and come have fun and be fun. This is a celebration for all! It'll probably be too hot to wear any wool kilts or sweaters or hats (unless you want to) just dress comfortably and enjoy the day. The food and beverages will feature both the usual (hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, BBQ, ice cream) and the unusual (Scotch Eggs, Turkey Wings, shortbread). There are several organizations that would welcome you as a member, and you don't need to prove anything to join, just have an interest (or be enthusiastic) in the group's purpose.
Sunday Events start with the Kirkin' of the Tartans, a non-demoninational worship service, led by Rev. Karen Wehrman of Elbert Presbyterian Church, formerly involved with conducting Kirkin' services in Atlanta. Most competitions start around 10a.m. and stage performances run from 11a.m. onwards. The pipe band marching to the front gate marks the end of the Festival at 4p.m.