The King Arthur Faire, while attempting to portray the historical version of King Arthur through our timeline, setting (country and village) and characters, has also incorporated many of the stories that comprise the myth of Arthur. We believe that by combining both history and legend in our twenty year storyline, we provide a true experience of the time period and a glimpse at the extrodary King whose life and deeds would inspire the legend that will not die. By adding dashes of the legendary stories we recreate the drama and romance that have entertained and inspired for 1500 years.
This event is canceled for 2007 onwards.
Nearby Cities: Tulsa, Oklahoma City
The King Arthur Faire site is located North of Stroud. Take Hwy 99 North 3 miles, then turn East on Stroud Lake Road for 2 miles. Turn North again at Graham Road and drive 2 miles to the KAF site. Signs are posted during the run of the KAF in October.